How Humor Helped Samsung
Recently, Marketing Charts published an article stating that 7 out of 10 consumers believe funny commercials are remembered better than other commercials, and it turns out the consumers are right. We’ve talked about Samsung’s ad of the year, “The Next Big Thing,” before and how VizKinect’s study showed nothing but support for the viewers’ love of their advertisement. Want to know one of the reasons people liked it?
The advertisement was rated as funny by a majority of the study participants.
That’s right. Not only was “The Next Big Thing” rated as “funny, clever, and exciting,” by viewers, but absolutely everyone who went through the study remembered both the product and the brand advertised.
That’s some pretty compelling stuff.
It looks like Marketing Charts knows its stuff. The advertisement pitted against “The Next Big Thing” in our study was “Unleash Your Fingers,” which received a high percentage of participants who rated it as “trendy” and “cool,” but was that enough for them to buy? No. In fact, most people were confused and annoyed by the advertisement rather than actually interested in it. In fact, 30% of users felt like they were less likely to buy the product after seeing the ad.
That wasn’t the case for “The Next Big Thing.” The “funny” ad was not only well remembered, but well received. 60% of viewers were more compelled to buy the Samsung Galaxy SIII.
There’s a reason it became the the most viral tech ad of 2012.