We have a number of clients that target different demographic groups throughout the country, so participants from our database are contacted on an as-needed basis depending on the demographic group requested by each client. In the questionnaire to the right, you will be asked a series of demographic questions and your preferred contact information. When you fall within the needed demographic requirements of a study will contact you via phone or email to participate. A detailed explanation of the study and the associated compensation plan will be explained when we contact you, upon which you can accept or decline to participate.
We understand how important it is that data gathered about participants remain private; therefore, your enrollment in our database is completely confidential:
· As your data is filed into our database, you will be given a participant I.D. number that VizKinect employees will be required to use when handling your data. This will limit the number of researchers able to connect your name with your study data.
· No information will be publicly reported that identifies you as a participant in the study
· Your name and/or contact information will remain VizKinect property and will not be sold to outside parties.
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